Natal Astrology
Natal Astrology - Birth Data
Jake Paul  Male  Jan. 17th, 1997 --:--  Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.  EST (UTC-05h00m)  Lat.:41.49932  Long.:-81.694361
Notes on using the following astrogical reading
Your personality is developed under the influence of astrological signs and houses in which each planet is located at your birth, and angles between one planet and another. Though each of the following elements may be positive or negative and can contradict each other, your personality is composed of many elements including those that are contradictory, just like a dish is made from many different ingredients and seasonings.
Basic personality ... The following section shows your innate basic character and general fortune.
As you have high aspirations and strict evaluation of yourself, you will achieve great success in your last years. When you set a goal, even if it requires long-term tolerance, you will persevere tenaciously and will achieve your goals at any cost. Besides, even if you face difficulties, you tactfully get through with the skills you gained from real experience. Meanwhile, you are calculating, and have a tendency that you evaluate things based on practical advantage and that you expect rewards for every outcomes.

You evaluate everything based on money and materials but respond negatively to non-scientific things such as fortune-telling and religions.

You have a strict and conservative atmosphere and a realistic mindset. Additionally, you have traditional morals and values.

You know how to utilize your energy effectively, and always tackle things with a positive attitude.

As you have a very strong presence, you form a generous and sincere personality and will be trusted by others.

Your fortune will change quickly, and you can spend a lifetime with a lot of ups and downs.

You are sensitive and imaginative and can receive an intuitive inspiration from deep within your subconscious. Also, you can be active in the field of occult or art.

You are lively and amiable and love to have fun.

You are very active and have courage, generosity, and an adventurous spirit, responding positively to everything.

You lack motivation and aggressiveness, and your personality is apt to be suppressed.

You ask for freedom and seek an independent position.

You are a quick thinker and can have a witty idea, always acting productively.

You have a great capacity for adaptability to the latest technology.

You are rich in creativity and are interested in artistic or mysterious things.

Object of aspirations and interests ... The following section shows the object or tendency of what you want or want to be.
Appreciated by the company or the society you belong to will lead to your evaluation or satisfaction.

Love and marriage ... The following section shows the way you think about love and your view on marriage.
You are passive in love and are an extremely prudent person. As you are terrified to get hurt, you hesitate to approach the opposite sex or find value in something other than love. Even after your wish is fulfilled, you always have a suspicion with your partner regardless of he/she loves you. It takes time for you to become familiar with others, but once you open up your heart, your affection is sincere and lasts long but businesslike and lacks romanticism.

There is a tendency that you choose a person, who can understand one another's hobbies and personalities, as your partner.

In your relationships with the opposite sex, there can be a lot of problem with you. Due to the entanglement of love-hate relationships, you can be deeply hurt by conflicting with your partner.

You are unfaithful, so you are easy to be tempted to play around.

You have tricky fate concerning sexual matters, so you can have an extraordinarily large number of relationships with the opposite sex, or conversely, cannot be linked by fate to him/her at all.

Regarding love, you always have suspicion and don't accept affection from others obediently. Yet, in return for unobtainable love, you may seek to satisfy your physical desire.

Physical traits ... The following section shows things that are related to the body such as innate physical constitution or characteristics.
You have a strong body and are very active.

You like exercise and are generally blessed with good health.

You have incredible physical strength, and even if you work hard, you are not tired at all.

Point of view or sense of value ... The following section shows what is usually important to you.
You are steady and don't jump into something new, choosing a sound and reliable way.

When you decide right and wrong, you always judge in the light of your way of thinking and don't readily accept the values of others.

You will also place great importance on traditional rules and customs.

Your interest tends to focus on realistic and practical matters. Besides, you are not good at thinking over abstract things, and conventional values dominate your point of view, so you don't do well to put out innovative ideas.

You may take time to understand things, but regarding what you once feel you have to learn, you will learn patiently and steadily, and eventually, you will take advantage of them in practice.

You are good at clerical work.

You are indecisive and easily dither, so when you make up your mind, you can only decide after referring to the ideas of others.

Due to the lack of confidence, you can't be adventurous and tend to behave with care. However, as you act on a whim, you may not carry out your original intention and can be frustrated and throw out on the way.

You come up with a novel idea, trying to break down the conventional mindset.

You are an idealist and can easily develop romantic dreams. However, you can gain a high reputation for those talents from the public.

You tend to project your unrealistic dreams and ideals into practical life.

You are suspicious and always have doubts about everything, being not willing to accept others. Besides, you perceive everything negatively and pessimistically, which can narrow your potential.

Human relationships ... The following section shows how you interact with people around you and build relationships with them.
You have a charming personality that attracts people, paying attention so that you don't make others feel uncomfortable, and emphasizing the rights of others. You also feel delighted in building harmonious relationships with the surrounding people, spending energy on those acts. However, you are prone to get involved in human relations issues.

You have an aggressive and selfish personality, taking a discriminatory attitude toward someone weaker than yourself, and treating him/her harshly.

You gain trust from others and can smooth the surrounding relationships. Besides, you have good relations with your family members.

You will find favor in the eyes of influential people.

You should be careful because you easily believe what others say and are likely to be used.

You are empathetic and easy to empathize with the hearts of others. So be careful, because you immediately trust people and are easily exploited.

You have a selfish intellect and are sensitive to things. When you feel something you don't like in someone else even a little, you will mercilessly blame him/her for his/her faults in a caustic tone. For that reason, there are many quarrels and friction in your interpersonal relationships.

As you always have sarcastic and rebellious attitudes, you can be isolated from your surroundings.

You tend to react somewhere cold to others.

You are obstinate and inflexible and prone to friction with people around you.

You have the leadership to lead the organization.

You are very sympathetic and have a heart of compassion for others.

You are an adventurer and aspire to power, having the ambition to dominate and lead people.

How you interact with society ... The following section shows what you tend to do in society in general.
You have a democratic way of thinking, respecting freedom, and rebelling against authority. Therefore, you are more adapted for a personal way of life than for group living, trying to carve your own way.

You actively participate in social activities.

To realize an ideal society that is not practical, you will try to invest much effort in it.

Relationships with your family ... The following section shows the way you build relationships with your family.
There is no element in this category.

How you solve problems ... The following section shows how you overcome problems when you face them.
Once you set the goal, regardless of the obstacles, you will strive persistently and will accomplish the target to the end.

You have ambition in your heart. Therefore, to achieve the goal, even if it is a tough road, it does not matter to you, and you will overcome the problem steadily with high practical skills and sound methods.

Job and work ... The following section shows your strengths and weaknesses when you work.
You are not good at communication, but as you have career aspiration inside of you and are sincere and trusted from surrounding people, you are on the road to fortune.

You are likely to be favored by influential people in organizations.

You are independent-minded, always seeking leadership positions, and having courage and decisiveness. So you are easy to succeed in business earlier in life.

You always take an optimistic view of everything, but as your optimism can work negatively, you can make excessive investments in your business or can expand your scope of business beyond your ability. So be careful.

You play a leading role in your occupation and will carry out your work with the powerful job performance.

Money and fortune ... The following section shows how you deal with money and whether it is easy for you to save or waste.
You have a sound sense of economy, and are skillful in asset management too.

You live a financially stable life in general.

An unexpected fortune can fall into your lap.

You like luxury and waste money to get them.

You are prone to financial hardship.

You might succeed in business and are likely to be in economically privileged situations.

Artistic sense ... The following section shows your artistic sensibility.
You are susceptive and rich in imagination and have potential to exercise your ability in artistic fields.

Hobbies and preferences ... The following section shows your hobbies and things that you usually want to do.
You have an old-fashioned and traditional hobby.

You are interested in mysterious things or could have those abilities.

You enjoy conversation and are interested in art and music.

You enjoy traveling and sports.

Cautions ... The following section shows things that you should keep in mind in your life.
You tend to draw cause of trouble and to have many difficult problems.

You have suppressed energy inside of you, which tend to draw disasters and difficulties, so be careful of accidents and injuries.

You can become a victim of violent crime.

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